With the publication of Isa Martinez’s Arc of Whirr—a 2 year odyssey of a publication process with a fantastic and patient artist—as well as the book version of A Secret Third Thing (Choreography of a Practice) General Things Press is opening up its doors once again to artists looking to publish their works. This time around General Things is pairing with Ashley Houghton of Player 1 Press to share facilities and print all of these works on the Risograph. A fantastic but limited tool, this means the works we are looking for are in consideration of these limitations that come from the medium. That is, we’re looking for smaller works and artists/writers looking to collaborate on the form of the book.
If this sounds like you then please send work samples/ideas/a bio/an artist statement/a proposal/a website or any combination of the above to generalthingspress@gmail.com with the subject line General Riso Submission. I cannot wait to see what work you all submit. Submissions will be rolling throughout the summer in service of setting up a robust base of diverse works for General Things catalogue.

Payment Structure:
Each work published will be printed in an edition of 50. Each artist will receive 10 copies along with a 60(artist)/40(General Things) split on profits of the other 40. This is to ensure that the work done on the part of General Things Press (design, printing, distribution) is fairly compensated while ensuring that the intellectual and creative labor of the artists/writers is as well. If you have any questions about this feel free to include them alongside your submissions.